
Showing posts with the label quarantine

It Was Always Personal . . . Now Even More

             I was just thinking about the need for human touch and how many articles have been written on what a wonderful therapy the human touch is for mankind and how some are trying to distance themselves and wear masks while others refuse.   The stay-at-home/lockdown order is slowly being lifted. It’s supposed to take place in phases though I KNOW for a fact there are some people who are NOT following the guidelines.   There are those who have never followed the guidelines to begin with.   There are those that believe they are beneath it.   These people aren’t even looking for human touch.   They are inconvenienced – hey, we all are.   But some of us are wise enough to understand that the reason we wear masks and social distance aren’t because we are sheep being controlled by the government.   Some of us understand that good hygiene protects not only ourselves but those we come in contact with.     T...

3 Quotes From the Land of Stories

As I have already mentioned in an earlier post I am currently reading “The Land of Stories’ by Chris Colfer.   I have now come across three quotes that seem to relate to our society today.   This first quote makes me think of the many politicians who may have been loved and admired at one time and perhaps may be controlled by certain citizens but obviously aren’t favored ALL citizens.             “People only love you as long as they’re getting something out of you,but the minute you say something they don’t want to hear or do something they don’t want to see, all the admiration drains from their hearts.” – Ezmia to Rumple, Land of Stories Vol. 2 pg 156, Chris Colfer             “Now that the Enchantess is back, it’s as if the world has stopped.   Everyone stays indoors , too afraid to come outside .. .”   Froggy to twins, Land of Stories V...