
Showing posts with the label project reality

Communication and Knowing my Child

            When Jenna was in preschool, the school district offered a course for parents to communicate with or discipline their children . . . I can't remember how it was worded.   Jenna was going through a whining stage and Roland and I both wished to assist her in overcoming.   Somewhere in my possession, I have the questionnaires as both Roland and I received our own packets of material.   Of course, I can't find them now to pull up an example except for the incentive charts found here .             The questions were presented in a manner that may have led one to believe that the questions were about the children, but with each class and questionnaire, I felt like the class was really geared toward parenting and understanding ourselves.   It was a fun class, I thought and I really enjoyed getting acquainted with the instructor and some of the ot...