
Showing posts with the label puzzle pieces

casse-tête examples

  I don’t know where Richard came up with the idea that I LOVE doing thousand piece puzzles.   I do not.   I have learned that I especially do not like the type that offer casse-tete pieces! According to several online dictionaries the French word(s) casse - tête  translates to puzzle, challenging or complicated puzzle pieces, and headache.   I agree with the last definition.   So I have mentioned that Richard seems to be gung-ho about gluing all puzzles that we have done – though I have vetoed the idea with those that I really would like to put together again.   But definitey not the last one with its one thousand casse-tete headaches.   The three hundred piece circle was much easier than the thousand piece cats and birds.

Feb 20 Diversity Talk part 2

This next part of my talk may sound familiar to those who have read past posts here and here We are all made of many puzzle pieces, some more complex than others. Some might view others ’ puzzles as near completion, but we don ’ t really know.  Only God sees the entire picture. He knows what the puzzle pieces are and where they fit. Sometimes He will send people into our lives to help us find our puzzle pieces. Many of us realize that our own puzzle may not be complete for ourselves, so why would we think it is for another? If I don ’ t know about all the pieces that are missing from my own life or what pieces will make me whole or tie me to somebody else,  what makes me think I can view another ’ s completed picture?  I can ’ t. None of us can.  Only God can see the complete picture.  He knows how we fit. Each of us comes from different backgrounds.   There are some people who have adapted diverse cultures or traditions that...

Try to See With God's Eyes

  We are all made of many puzzle pieces   some more complex than others.   Some seem near completion but we don’t really know.   Only God sees the entire picture.   He knows what puzzle pieces go where.     Sometimes He will send people into your life to help you find your puzzle pieces   but the picture is never complete for ourselves   why would it be for another?   If I don’t know about all the pieces that are missing from my life or what pieces will make me whole or tie me to somebody else   what makes me think I can see another’s completed picture?   I can’t.     I know I can only see a small handful at best but I’m not an expert who can always figure out how they connect.   I want to be a good friend.   I want to help others feel more complete.   Especially during this pandemic.   We definitely are living an odd era. God sees the complete picture....

In the Event that Heidi may be Searching . . .

            When commercials come on, Roland will usually watch them and critique them.   Depending on the station, he will sometimes tire of them and start changing channels.   Recently during his channel hopping, he landed on a program focusing on individuals searching for   biological connection.   As the story unfolded, a connection was made due to a facebook post in which the biological mother wished her unknown daughter a happy birthday.   It matched the same birthday of the child who was seeking her mother.   It got me to wonder if the boys half sister on their mother's side might be looking for her biological past.                 About six months before Roland met his first wife, she had given birth to a part white/part Asian daughter.   She'd given her up for adoption and said that the adoptive...