
Showing posts with the label traits

I was able to shed Rabbit!!!

        On July 27, 2012 I had created this post comparing my husband, his children and I to the personalities of the 100 acre wood and had dubbed myself as Rabbit because he is always so uptight.   He may have mellowed a bit from Walt Disney's animation to computerized animation used in the 2018 movie "Christopher Robin".   But as the focus was not about Rabbit but only made a brief appearance along with Owl, Kanga and Roo, it's hard to say.           I, on the other hand, am a lot more mellow.   I haven't been uptight since moving to Oregon.   I feel free.   I don't feel trapped.   The wonders of breathing clean air.   I'm not as organized as Rabbit - though I would like to be. I still don't care for gardening - though I do eating produce fresh from the garden.   We failed at having a garden in 2018, but should be back on track this year.     ...

Reminiscing 70+ years part 4

A continuation of list started yesterday 13.    She's a complete technophobe .                             I don't think she did ever learn how to set the VCR 14.    She makes me feel needed.                                                 Each of us was important and she let us know why and what talents we could offer that maybe someone else could not. 15.     She showed me a great example of a successful marriage.                         I had believed that all families were like my family - that the mom and dad loved one another and that the children enjoyed being a part of the family.   I didn't realize that there were many who ha...

Reminiscing 70+ years part 3

               At the time we had mom's party I had not yet started my blog nor do I think I had started reading Corey's.  Perhaps I did and I just don't remember.  He hasn't posted for a while, and so I haven't looked at his blog page much the last year and a half.  I did open his blog page yesterday to see if he had mentioned the event or what he said about it - but I couldn't find anything - not at the time the event took place anyway.  He had his own personal trial he was dealing with.  I don't know if he ever got around to reminiscing the events that took place that summer my mom turned 70.                 He gave mom a copy of the list he had created, but not the stories he had shared at the party as he paid her tribute and entertained those who came; thus I will share his list and my own examples as I can remember them. 70 Things I Love About My Mother 1....