
Showing posts with the label inventions

Cameras and Referral Sites

          When Jenna told me her assignment was on camera history, I smiled as I had recently touched on that same subject in class discussion post that I briefly mention here .   I ended up with this thought on digital cameras versus film:        " The digital camera was made available to the public in 1988 (Ternholm, 2007).  Before the start of the 21st Century,  I had known several people who had tried to sway me into the perks of having/owning digital.  I don't remember all the reasons I had for sticking with my 35mm and rolls of film, but one of the reasons was because I had convinced myself that the picture quality was better from the film than the digital results.         "It wasn't until our family had an opportunity of hosting a foreign exchange student that I was "swayed" to the perks that a digital camera could provide.  My "so...

Modern Technology

          I am younger than the rotary phone though older than the cordless and definitely older than the cell phone.   Roland often used to get unwanted possessions from his clients – one being an old rotary phone.   He brought it home one day and called the boys together.   There was an extra jack in Tony’s room and Roland hooked the phone up and brought it out into the hall and told the boys that they could leave it in the hall so that they would all have access to it and wouldn’t have to run into the kitchen every time. I remember the three boys standing around the phone – first with their eyes on the phone and then exchanging puzzled looks with one another until finally one of them asked, “How does it work?”   Until then it hadn’t even dawned on me that what had been very routine for me growing up really was a foreign object to these boys who were not much younger than the cell phone.   How would...

Thank you for the Crock Pot

                   Aside from disposable dishes, I am really quite grateful to the inventor of the Crock Pot.   What an awesome invention!   To be able to throw in food and have it done by dinner time!   And the meat is always tender and juicy and oh, so good.   So much better than the oven.           The first crock pot that I have recollection of was a red orange one my mom had purchased shortly after this wonderful item was introduced to the market.   We didn’t have the option of removing the incert as we have today.   There was no insert.   It was just one unit.   The cord went in the sink as we attempted to clean it without getting the cord wet.   (What a chore that was)           Today crock pots come in assorted styles and gadgets.   Roland and I ...

Paper Dishes: making Life easier

I would like to thank the inventor (or inventors rather) who created disposable dishes.   Paper plates and cups, plastic flatware, aluminum pans – though not yet invented for the stove top – at least that I know of.           I don’t mind doing dishes – but I don’t thrive on it.   It does irk me quite a bit when I know I’ve done the dishes – lots of them – and less than four hours later the sink gives one the appearance that I haven’t done dishes all week.   Where the heck do these extra dishes even come from?   Usually it’s just me and Jenna.   Or me.   In the morning and after work it is Roland, Jenna and me – well not every night.             Biff works graveyards – and although he does cook at odd times during the 24 hour day – he doesn’t use that many dishes.   Two – maybe three.   I think I have dish gremlins that break into my house.  ...