
Showing posts with the label lunch

Vacation Barbie

               On Tuesday Jaime wanted to go out to Sandy and hang out with my brother Keith and his wife Natalee.   We called first to see if we could come.   We did not know that it would lead to our becoming another’s house guest.   Natalee had already made plans with a former neighbor of ours.   She and Marj (aka Peggy Bird) were going to see “ The Barbie Movie” and had invited us to attend with them.            To be honest, “ The Barbie Movie” was never on my agenda – especially for something to do while in Utah.   I was a bit floored to learn that it was something Marj had wanted to do.   Not only that she had offered to put Jaime and I up during the rest of our stay. Somehow the  wires were crossed and Marj seemed to be under the impression that Jaime and I were sleeping on the floor (which we were not)           As school was ...

The Third Day of Christmas

        My brother had posted the above photo to facebook earlier this month and I thought it I would try doing these myself.   Day Three says to have lunch with someone you admire or run into today.   The chances of me "running into" anyone other than Roland would be slim - though he is someone I do admire.   I suppose I could have just had lunch with him but  I actually chose another to come have lunch with me.           Aurelia lives   45 minutes away and I said that we could meet halfway - though I'm really not familiar with what eating places are offered half way.   It turns out that she had two appointments in Myrtle Creek and so had planned on being in town anyway.   Gosh, what gratitude she expressed for my rather simple meal.   Well, actually not the meal itself, but the incentive I had taken just to invite her.   I am grateful that I had as we both ...