Who Talks More, Karen or Richard?
When we first got together Richard was the most outgoing and quite social. He seemed to have clammed up when we initially moved to Oregon – hermitizing behind his computer and not engage in social activities and I was the one out making friends along with Jaime. We took an interest in our community while Richard seemed content to not be involved. He has become more of social than when we first arrived. We take turns, I guess – depending on the company I guess. The treasurer invited me to the get-together/party for the library volunteers. I have been more actively involved with the library during these last four months than the four years prior – which really isn’t a lot. I wasn’t even planning on attending except for Jaime wanted to go and ended up going to a gathering with her own friends. But Richard (who’d be driving me as I can’t see to drive myself) wanted to go and so we went last night. Th...