
Showing posts with the label novels

MCL Book Club

           When Myrtle Creek Library was still a public library back in 2016 there was an announcement for a book club.   Unlike Salt Lake county that has several copies of many books, Douglas county had multiples of   approximately 8-12 books.   I remember the librarian passing a list of suggested titles and a brief description.   The most unanimous we for   A Light in the Wilderness by Jane Kirkpatrick.  The story is one of African-American pioneer Letitia Carson who made her way to Oregon and although she was a property owner by today’s standards, the law back then frowned upon women owning property.         It appeared to be easy reading and we each took home a copy (I think there were eight of us) and would meet the following week or two (I don’t remember) and while the storyline did seem interesting, most of us found the book to be very one dimensional as characters would be mentioned...