
Showing posts with the label weather

It Still Makes Me Laugh

            When we moved from Salt Lake to Oregon we were expecting daily rain – though that hasn’t been the case.   We left polluted smog for light fog which seems to have become more dense with every passing year.   This year has been especially cold – a cold I have definitely felt while living in Utah.   It’s been below freezing at least four times this year.          Yesterday we got snow.   It started coming down before Jaime left for work.   But it doesn’t stick.   It rarely ever sticks.   This morning there was no sign of it across the street, and barely even noticeable on our own.   Currently it can only be seen in the hills above us.   I don’t know how long it will last.           And now we have this warning.     In Oregon the snow falls in incheds.   In Utah the snow falls in feet.

Laughing With Mother Nature

          I don’t know which Easter – two years ago I think – when I learned the resurrection rolls (some call them tomb rolls) from Emily Belle Freeman (In one of the Easter videos that she did with David Butler)   Neither David Butler nor I had ever heard of the disappearing marshmallow treat.   They souned good along with symbolic message and I tried them.             I vaguely remember explained the symbols as I held up the marshmallow and said that it would represent Jesus’ body and that we would symbolically prepare the body in oil (melted butter) and fine spices (cinnamon and sugar) and dress His body (the crescent roll or biscuit or whatever I happened to use) and when we opened the oven His body would no longer be inside.   I don’t know what recipe I used.             Yesterday I decided that I would surprise the other two as they ...

Science Fiction Vibes

            Yesterday Richard decided he wanted to drive to Ashland to take some watches to a vendor – though I didn’t think it necessary to make a special trip.   I told him we should pray about the decision to go – afterall the nation is experiencing untamed weather, we are still not receiving local news and perhaps we should remain at home.              I took the closed pumps as a sign.   We had gone to four different gas stations before finding one that still had gas.   They expect they will run out today.   Oh, my word!   I feel like I’m living in a Sci-Fi.   It’s been raining non-stop.   It’s a wonder that we don’t have a lake in our backyard.  On the plus side our grass is very green.

Gray and Dismal

  Almost every morning I will look out the window and notice that the sky and much of the scenery have seemed to disappear.   Gradually the fog will lift and the scenery will start to show along with the sky.     It is passed noon and there is still a hollow and pale gray lingering where the sky normally hangs.     It is dismal and wet.   I would like to see some color.

Lost in the Sauce

  When we lived in West Valley I rarely used covers at night Maybe 10 times a year Maybe Even after we moved here And I would fall asleep on The recliner, Richard would cover me But the covers would come off Long before morning And then we moved into a Different house And suddenly my toes were always Cold And so I would keep them Covered But lately it seems like I Am covering all of me. I think the earth is spinning Nearer to the sun and then To the other extreme So far away from the sun that Its always cold Hard to imagine that just over six weeks ago I was complaining about the heat. Ten weeks ago it was in the Three digits in California We had moved to Oregon for The constancy – which We have never had. I don ’ t want three digits and Then near freezing (or Below freezing)   At this point I don ’ t Think it even matters In what state or nation Autumn is still producing Gorgeous colors That ’ s ni...

Blue Skies, Black Clouds and Fog

           Driving to Roseburg yesterday seemed almost like driving into the Twilight Zone – sort of a slow strobe effect.  Mist      disappearing scenery    blue skies    inviting sign    just kidding            dark clouds            is that smoke or rain?        sunny blue sky above the dark clouds           fog again      cold bleakness       inviting warmth       all within a matter of minutes     so surreal This is just our neighborhood.  The change was a lot more drastic going to Roseburg.  Bluer sky and darker clouds.

God Said "No"

  Jaime said she would not have classes today or tomorrow and could I come get her? but she would need to return on Saturday as she has tickets to see a play. An hour and a half is not that far But gas prices are outrageous. Perhaps I could just spend a  few nights in Ashland. Richard said it was okay.   We prayed about our decision. John Mayer did not reveal a promising forecast - though  yesterday did seem more driveable than it is currently. I went and got my hair done yesterday and was talking to my hair dresser who also advised against driving down with all those mountain passes to go through. What mountains?   I'm from Utah.   Those are just hills. Snow is/was in the hills. It melts pretty quickly. Too cold to snow. But not too cold to freeze. And it has rained. I could slip on ice. Or another car could slip into me. So many drivers seem to be in a hurry. I wouldn't be in a hurry. I would be hitting every rest stop between here and Ashl...

Mystic Skies, Heat and Snow

     You know it's hot when Richard is the one who suggests to open a window or turn on the fan.  Surprisingly I don't think I felt as warm as he did.  I was comfortable and in no hurry to leave the bed.  Perhaps 20 min or so had passed before I decided to get up and open the window at least a crack.  I also threw his pajama top over the vent - he must have been hot!     This morning I noticed the box had been moved from the vent in the bathroom.  I will have to find something less bulky.  But as for now the window remains open.  True there is a chill - but I have put on a long sleeve shirt.  The scenery is so pretty outside .

NOT the Triple Digits

Image While I feel for a huge population in the nation right now, I feel quite blessed to have had my windows open allowing the cool air to come in.   That can be done from midnight to about 10:30 and then it starts warming up – but not to the triple digits – at least not thus far.   I really do feel bad for those who are currently experiencing extreme heat as I have been there before. The weather has been really nice – although today may be the last day.   It looks overcast like the sky wants to rain.   I LOVE this temperature (60 degrees Fahrenheit) and wish it could just stay this way always.   I don’t even mind if the skies are grey if the weather will stay as it is.   The only number I would like to see in the triple digits is a daily addition to my bank account.

What Strange Weather

  I feel like it is a safe guess to say that my family has been to Yellowstone at least 15 times from the time I was born and up until my father ’ s death.     I remember fires having closed Yellowstone Park – but never flooding.   This weather has been so strange. I know that I mentioned how tired I get each time the wind blows.   I don ’ t know why it has sent me into a coma so often – like I ’ m taking sleeping pills that knock me out into another week.   The fact that it really does happen is strange.   I also get hot whenever it rains.   When I am sound asleep and the rain is pounding on the roof, it is not the sound that wakes me up.     It is the rising temperature in my body.   Why does it do that?   Why would I get hot when the rain itself is so cold?   That is also strange.   I never referred to the summer as “ fire season ” until I mov...

I Can’t Believe I am 60 now

  Ever since Jaime was born, I knew that I would be 60 years of age at the time my baby graduates.   I am 60 today.   She graduates on Friday. Wow. The weather has been perfect.   But my allergies have not been.   I haven’t enjoyed the day as much as I would like.   As of now, I don’t plan on attending church tomorrow.   Perhaps I shouldn’t have done so in the first place.   Perhaps I would be over this.   Perhaps.   I still don’t know for sure. Richard did make a cake for my birthday.  Perhaps he shouldn't have as he has been really good with his diet until today.  Jaime and I watched Soul .  I played a few games on the kindle.  Not much celebrating.  

Black Clouds and Blue Skies

           So many times I have heard people say “ If you don ’ t like the weather in ______ stick around for five minutes and it will change. ”   And it does.            I was having lunch with some friends on Saturday.   We chose to eat outside as the air felt nice and warm enough to enjoy.   Carol and I both noticed black clouds hanging to one side, and yet the skies were blue with moving white clouds to the other.   Seems like the blackness pushed its way into the blue which caused a gray – And OH . . . So much wind. Without warning, the wind blew debris over us.   It looked like it was black hail falling upon us – and twigs in our food.   We decided to move indoors right before it started to rain! I remember feeling hot that very morning.   So we really have had warm and cold experiences within the matter of minutes.   I find myself dressing in shorts...


 Last week when Roland left the house, it was always below freezing.  This week it will be in the low 50's.  Are you kidding me?  I am going to die come summer.  If I look at 40s and 50s as "no coat" weather, how am I going to survive 90 and triple digits.  I'm not.  My posts are dwindling as it is.  When they cease to exist (probably in the summer) than chances are looking good that I will too. (Well, I will exist, just not in an earthly form;  I am okay with leaving my body behind)

It’s Backwards – Welcome to My Laundry Room

                Often when we have been out walking Bonnie we will generally walk the same four streets.  Occasionally, we will allow her to lead.  She likes to go up where the new houses are being built.  Some are stick houses and some are manufactured – like this one.                It was in the street for a while as the equipment that was supposed to move it went out of commission – I don’t remember how long it had been in the street before it was moved – unfortunately with the front facing the backside (maybe a yard though that part doesn’t appear to be promising right now) and the backside facing the street.              It is understandable why they did it that way.   Not totally, but the mistake may have been in the awning.   After all there is an arch over the backdoor and two lamps at what should be the front.   ...

Jumping Out the Old and into the New

            Roland had agreed to pick up a friend of Jenna’s in Winston and take them both to the stake dance.   We allowed ourselves to agree to stay to chaperone.   It was fun watching the kids dance – or jump rather.   To every song!   I may have had the energy to do that when I was a youth but not now.   I can’t even go four minutes of jumping – let alone four and a half hours.   I hope that all of the youth may continue with that energy and never lose it.          The last two weeks of December felt bleak.   It snowed after Christmas.   We had purchased sensor system last year so that we could be alerted to any packages or company that might drop by.   It is solar powered – needless to say we haven’t had many days of warning during those last two weeks of December.          Currently the sun is shining.   The snow is mos...

The Yellow Ring

           I’ve written at least two posts regarding Alexa echo.   One mentions how we’ve separated the two by referring to them as Emily and Stacy ( here ) and the  first post about the two colored rings that appear when voice activated. But there is a also a third color which appears by itself on occasion.   That circle is yellow in color and will provide notifications at random.   The last six were in reference to the weather as a storm is in the midst and has been for the last couple of weeks – though we haven’t seen the storm.        Currently it is pouring – HARD - hard like the first rain we had encountered at Newport April 2015 ( here ).  I tried taking Bonnie for a walk.  I was okay with the rain falling down, but she was not.  Needless to say our walk was the shortest walk yet – perhaps the length of ten houses and back. I like the sound of rain.  I like the green grass.  I don’t s...

Raining Sideways

 I'm certain people are getting tired of my weather posts.   I am.   I have a couple of ideas in the works,  but still disjointed thoughts that don't seem to flow. I could hear the wind yesterday morning - I had not heard the rain, but it had obviously rained. The wind had blown it onto our porch. Here are some pictures I took as the sun rose:

Driving Conditions

                  Rumor has it that the school district in this area has finally wised up to doing online schooling until the end of the year.   Cars were at the schools today but no buses on the roads.   Perhaps the instructors are still teaching from the school building. Seminary is still being held in person. It is now too dark for me to leave the house in order to pick Jenna up on time.   I used to leave the house at 7:00 and take a longer route to the church but did not have that option this morning.   As there were no buses I thought I could make it in time but as I rounded the corner and saw a familiar car driving toward me. I stopped and the other vehicle stopped and Jenna got out and joined me. Initially the driver didn ’ t want to make a stop on the way to the high school to drop Jenna off as he would encounter school buses.   Oh, I totally understand that, but as there...

Cold, Wet, and Two Week Order

  Yesterday was cold and wet Bonnie does not like the moisture as it falls from the sky.   She spent most of the day sleeping except for when we took her to the vets.     The governor has issued another “ Stay at home order ” .   It starts on Wednesday and will go until December second. Restaurants and bars or for takeout or delivery only Which, in my opinion, is how it should have been all along.   Currently barbers, hair salons, and outdoor recreation are allowed along with youth programs, childcare, K-12 schools ????? Really?   We ’ re going to eliminate social gathering activity to 6 people and church maximum at 25 people but it is okay to have contact sports and hold schools with hundreds of children.   What???? I don't see hair salons and barbers as an essential. Jenna and I haven't had our hair cut since January.   Roland asked me to cut his. My hair hasn't necessarily grown longer -  but definit...