
Showing posts with the label Medford

Rain and Snow

We have had wild weather all the way around.  Mostly rain.  But it snowed on I5 between Canyonville and Azaelea.  I got pictures on the way down to Medford.  When we returned, the snow was gone.

Ground Squirrels and Airplanes

            The church has a pear orchard in Medford, Oregon.   Each year the church donates the pears to the food bank and those on welfare (see here )   The Roseburg stake (church boundary that I belong to) has asked its members to pick pears at least once a year.   Our assigned day is usually the third Saturday in August.   This is the fifth year that we (our family) have gone to pick pears for a service project.             Each year we have tried to stay for more than a couple of hours.   Each year our health has prevented either Roland or I from wanting to continue.   The last two years were so filled with smoke, it was hard to breathe.   Last year I had filled my bag only half way before I’d make the long trek to the pear bin.    I used to be in better shape.   I vaguely remember telling a couple that ...

Clearing Up the Sky to Blue, Yellow and Green

                The wind has been blowing each morning Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.   Carolyn said she had a surprise for the class for Wednesday morning, but I did not go.   Roland and I had gone to the Roseburg Cinema to see Dog Days - which I really liked.                    I had left my phone with Jenna in case she needed to get a hold of us.   She spent the day with her friend, Marie.   She reported to me that the dentist had called, but neglected to tell me about Coffenberry; she decided it was not important as she is no longer a student there.                                 A couple of hours after Roland and I had returned to Tri-City, Jenna said there was word from the the...