
Showing posts with the label Uncle Reese

Polio Had Claimed Many Lives Back in the Day

     My brother posted an 11 minute video which he labeled  as “ranting” but he had some valid points. One was that if you are purchasing a ticket to the place where he works you are agreeing to a contract to follow the rules – one being “Wear the mask”.   You DON’T have to purchase a ticket if you can’t wear the mask either by choice or because you are not medically able to.   It’s a rule.   The mask has to be worn.   The employees have to wear the mask the entire time they are at work – which is three to four times greater than those who purchase tickets.   Not a big deal.   At least it shouldn’t be. Jenna and I have a mutual acquaintance who has decided to abandon her teaching career so that she doesn't have to get the vaccination.  OHMIGOSH!! Just overcome your pride and get the damn shot already.  Students are required to have certain vaccinations before they can be accepted into school - which I guess is one reason that s...