
Showing posts with the label treasure hunt

Wooden Eggs for School – Killing Two Birds With One Stone.

                 My mind is so full right now.  I fear the ideas that are in my head may not make it to a post for this blog so let me start with the most recent . . .           Myrtle Creek Visitors Association had posted to facebook about an upcoming Easter Egg hunt – which Jenna has been looking forward since our “ business activity ” on St. Patrick ’ s Day.   This time 12 specific businesses hiding a wooden egg.   And Jenna has been determined to find them all.   Though we physically entered more than half of the businesses, we had only hunted in five – well – she had hunted.   I am not great at picking out items when they are in my face let alone having to physically look for them.             This morning Jenna was at her photograph class and learned she had to pick an assignment to do.   There were at lea...

11 out of 11

             I don’t know where Jenna came up with that number but that is how she had rated St. Patrick’s Day this year.   After being denied the opportunity of the annual Grunge Plunge (see here )  for the last two years not to mention the annual Halloween tradition of trick-or-treating downtown (thank you so much COVID) it was decided to involve several of the downtown businesses to participate in a St. Patrick’s Day celebration which Jenna has been looking forward since the beginning of this month it seems.           Jenna started out the day by eating a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast. She  decked out in green because Spirit dressing is a large part of personality.  We left the house later than we had hoped.   She said Scooby Doo would be at Good Dog’s Bakery.   Though he represented the bakery, he was really across the street.    We made our way around a few...