
Showing posts with the label vacuum

Working Out at the Church

             After Roland and I were married, I remember having cleaned the church at least once a month.  Families were supposed to sign up to clean on Saturday – hopefully at least two families per Saturday.  But I remember many a times being the only family.             Jenna doesn’t remember cleaning the church in Kearns but remembers in West Valley when we did it by organization.   We’d gone from cleaning the church once a month to often two or three times a month.   We would all be there whether it was the primary’s turn, Relief Society or Bishopric.   And that particular building was a huge building housing three wards that could overlap – which meant one ward could hold Sunday School, Primary and so forth meetings while another ward was in sacrament meeting.               The building in Myrtle Creek is...

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness – Don’t ya Know?

I think I must post about cleaning the church at least once every four months.   I don’t mind cleaning the church building.   I really don’t.   There have just been some weeks in which I have been appalled over the tremendous amount of litter that is left behind. How can people be so careless and not take any consideration that they are in God’s house?          Today I put myself in charge of vacuuming the chapel – which is what Bro. McDobb had done every Saturday morning in which our ward had been assigned to clean the building.   Roland joked that he wouldn’t have been surprised to find him there this morning – even though he moved out of our ward over two weeks ago.          Programs had been left on several pews.   I get it.   I’m sure I am guilty of that as well – though I have tried to make a conscience effort to check the pew before I leave. ...

Glitter Should be Illegal

         Each ward has a different cleaning schedule for the building in which church meetings are attended. The church was across the street from the first house in which we lived.   Two wards met in the building.   The two wards would trade off with the cleaning the building and the upkeep of the grounds (namely shoveling snow)   A list was passed around to the members of our ward to sign up for various weeks.   It felt like our family was involved with cleaning the church 4 – 8 times during the year. There are three wards which meet in the building which we currently attend. When we first moved into the ward we were told that each ward was assigned to clean four months out of the year.   The months were consecutive and not spread out.   Our ward would be cleaning the building each Saturday for the last four months.   I personally thought they should be spreading them out, but whatever. In ...

Dragged Decorations or Did I Just Vacuum Up Pixie Dust?

         Each Saturday this month we've gone to clean the Church. The primary and youth were assigned to clean last week.  Not a lot of participation – especially from the youth (Jenna was the only one from primary and only one youth leader) and the floor was in need of major vacuuming.           The mess I mention in this post was confined to just one room – while it appeared that either decorations had been dragged across each room and the halls in the Church or else a naughty elf went around pouring sparkling dust.            There are three wards which share the building.  One in particular seems to get blamed for any mess that may be left – though I did find evidence of their ward in March when I went in to vacuum all that popcorn.  They just seem to use more in the way of decorations, party more, and have the reput...