
Showing posts with the label peace

LtWobo days 3 and 4

  Yesterday I posted this picture without a caption.   My sister was the first to make a comment to which I replied:   “That is Palmyra.   They don’t know where in the sacred grove was the first vision.   It’s not so much because of the first vision [that this picture brings peace] but because of the solitude I felt just being there."  NY had just reopened and had barely started phase one.  Tours were done virtually - although we took a self guided tour before the missionaries showed.  There were more cars in the parking lot when we left than had arrived.  It was a nice peaceful feeling being in the grove by ourselves. I provided more info in this post  Today’s caption for this photo: “When the angel comes to the shepherds to announce the child’s birth there is a light that shines through the darkness and changes the countenance of each shepherd (or shepherdess) and I can see a sign of “hope” in their faces.”