
Showing posts with the label paths

A Fork in the Road

            Many of us may have a destination in mind.   Some are fortunate enough to choose a path that they wish to follow.   For others, it may seem that life threw them a curve ball and the path they are on is not one of their choosing.   For example, you may be in a car accident on your way to work.   You may experience back injuries that will stay with you for the rest of your life.                 You may have a son who is a victim of a knife wound that damaged his brain.   He can still carry on a conversation, even an intelligent one, but his social skills will always be like that of a nine-year-old and it will be frustrating for you to watch a forty-year-old man resort back to his immature childish reactions.   He might not be embarrassed when others snicker at him but perhaps you are.      ...

From What I Recall . . .

            I think my favorite talk for this past conference was this one given by Elder Ronald A. Rasband.     He talked about a subject that I have touched on my blog before.   I was reminded of a post I created just over a year and a half ago.   I had briefly discussed Wendy Ulrich's book "Habits of Happiness".   The particular subject was "Don't try to get   Help from your Problems" - in other words, ask God to help you make your weaknesses become strengths - rely upon Him as the path you thought you may have chosen isn't necessarily the right one for you.                 It is interesting that so many of us can listen to or read the same exact talk and walk away from it with a different interpretation than another might - just as with the parables the Savior would deliver to those who would listen and those who...