
Showing posts with the label waste

From Plastic to Masks

            Too often when Jenna and I had gone walking she would want to pick up litter and collect treasures.  I wasn ’ t overly fond of having her touch all that she did but tried to make a habit of bringing two plastic bags for each walk – one for the garbage and one for the treasures.  It was her idea to beautify the earth and so I did not want to discourage her from trying to clean it up.  The litter she found mostly consisted of paper though occasionally we would find straws, wrappers, or sticks from suckers. Her treasures would include rocks, leaves, shiny things, clothing items (which would get washed before I ’ d allow her or her stuffed pets to wear them) and pine cones. Her thought process today is really not much different.   She ’ ll continue to collect things to be thrown away or whatever may grab her interest – including masks that have been left in the parking lot.   She hasn ’ t touched any of the disposab...

Up On the Roof

just before 5:00 p.m.  It gets dark early Ever since we moved here, I had been hoping to turn the back porch into a game room.   We’ve had contractors come give us estimate but have never gone through.   I don’t know why all of the sudden Roland thinks we can afford it now. Their trailer remained in our driveway for four days The first counselor in our bishopric does that sort of work, and had come to our house to give us an estimate, but told Roland it would be wise to get the roof fixed first.   After all, the house was built in 1993 and probably has not had a new roof in all that time. until they moved it out front  Granted, this is really not the best time of the year to be roofing.   They started a week ago yesterday.   They had planned to return on Monday to do the skylights but the "storm" came.  The wet weather kept them away on Monday and Tuesday.   We weren't expecting them Wednesday as it is the day befo...