Love For Music
I’m guessing that before Jenna was born she had learned the words and notes to music of many authors and artists and carried it with her when she came to earth. When she was inside of me I would put headphones over my belly and play songs for her, mostly classical or primary songs. She seemed to enjoy them. And after she was born, I would sing to her. I would sing songs about whatever toy she was holding or whatever picture we were looking at. For example, I would sing “You’re a Grand Old Flag” whenever I caught her looking at the flag on my tee shirt. Or I would point to the animals on her teething ring and sing songs about each animal if I could think of one. I don’t know why it surprises me whenever Jenna sings along with a song that is decades older than she is. I caught her singing along with Sam Cooke last night and asked, “How do you know this?” She had...