
Showing posts with the label cold symptoms

Headache, sore throat, body ache, etc.

           Richard ’ s birthday is October 3.  Every year around his birthday or sometimes not until before Thanksgiving he will catch a cold that will seemingly linger more each year.  This year happened within a few weeks after his birthday.  He happened to be in San Diego at the time.  He picked up a cold!  I told him NOT to bring it home.  But he did.  First he shared it with our youngest son and brought it home to me.  Oh, gee.          Cold symptoms effect different people in different ways.   For me, it was like getting hit by a MACK truck – not that I ’ ve ever really been hit by a MACK truck mind you.   I just imagine that is partially  how it would feel.   Like every tissue and organ within your body has felt the weight of heaviness smacking into it until it is too weak to function on its own.          ...