
Showing posts with the label Canada

Here's Hoping

          The world is different now and will continue – I would hope for the better.   Afterall we are all going through the same thing together – but apart.   Some people are using their time wisely and even grateful for the time of solitude.   Others are going stir crazy and blaming anybody who remotely looks Asian for the pandemic.   Really?   Did history Not teach you anything?   American citizens who might have ancestors who lived in China or Japan or wherever.   American citizens who have never known life other than America but because of their skin type are sent away to “camps” for the safety of “real” Americans.   That very thought makes my blood boil.   How dare we cast blame to an entire population who had as much control over the decisions of leadership they may not even be related to.   And even if they are related, so what?   If I learned that I was related to Hitler or At...