
Showing posts with the label first two weeks


It has been a major struggle for me to post discussions or write the assignments for my management class.   As I've already mentioned, I lack the passion, and yet I feel there is strength in what I'm learning if I but apply. I've noticed that I've made some huge grammatical errors to past posts . . . I'm not even going to try to correct them - at least not right now.  My apologies to those of you who have struggled through.  Hey, but thanks for being interested enough to continue. We (students in any class of an online university) don't have verbal discussions in our classes as we don't all live in the same state or time zone . . . we have written discussion.   All my other credited classes required at least 150 words for our initial post and 50-75 words in comments made to other students.   This class requires more than 150 words - and references - and they have to be cited.   I actually lost points that first week because I hadn't cited.   ...