Roland gave our middle son, Tony, the nickname “Donald Duck”. Too often Tony flies off the handle about situations he can’t control or doesn’t understand. I told him that he needs to pray more often. That didn’t seem to go over too well. Prayer has been a part of my life forever. I always had example of prayer. My sibs and I were taught to pray. We said individual prayers. We said family prayers. We prayed over the food. We’d start family home evenings with prayer and end with prayer. We said morning prayers. We said prayers before we went to bed. Before and while on vacation. It was just something conditioned in me. I don’t know that I ever questioned it. Perhaps I didn’t always understand it, but I do now and have for such a long time that it’s hard to remember if/when I questioned prayer. Oh, perhaps there were times I prayed for something specific and felt my pra...