
Showing posts with the label conditions

Looking Forward to Having Space Again

             We’ll be picking Jaime up on Tuesday.   The other three should be out before her return.   They were supposed to move in today but a water line broke.   Always something.   I have really been trying to let things go and apply the scriptures to my current situation.   Sometimes I am successful but only sometimes.   More often I find myself irritated with all these little bits of ember that add up into a fiery blaze.           I didn’t wish to focus on my irritations but at the same time knew that I needed to write things down as a reminder why they are never coming back to live under the same roof as me – smiling as I do it because I think about their also keeping a list of reasons why they will never return.   I’m guessing they are more excited by the move of finally getting out on their own than I am to see them go. I personally don’t believe they are financ...

Dust Maks

I remember the smell of smoke or stale air many times when I was in Utah.  It was usually cold outside.  We could shut the doors and stay warm and the smell would stay on the outside.  I've never had smoke follow me inside the house before.  I can't see it indoors, but I know that it is there.  We've been running the fans and airconditioners to discourage the smoke.  It has helped cut down the strength, but I still have a headache. True Value has sold out all dust masks:         Roland said he purchased the last bag less than 30 minutes ago.  The next supply won't be in until Friday.  The air is definitely cleaner with this on.  It is also very hot. We also have dust masks in our evacuation bags.  I had forgotten about that until just now.  We really need to go through our bags again.  Perhaps we will do that for family home evening.          If school should get cancell...