
Showing posts with the label posts

That Was Refreshing!

                  President Nelson created a video ( here ) which many have watched and have accepted the challenge. Facebook was flooded with posts of gratitude.   How wonderful that was to read such positiveness on the home page rather than backlashing, politics, the virus, etc.   Many of the posts were written by people from my past – some who have not been on facebook for years, some of which I had no idea I was even friends with.   How great it was to connect with gratitude.         I had started this month posting the 30 days of gratitude creating some new thankful favorites and perhaps duplicating what I had posted last year ( here ) but will not make a comparison until later on.          Jenna tried to accept the challenge but may be feeling as grateful as Corrie ten Boom had been for fleas (see here ) and had written: ...

Servants, Masters and Manipulation

            I had graduated from high school in 1980 and had signed up for college the following year.  I did not have the internet or Google to help me with assignments.  I used whatever reference books I could find at the library.  It wasn’t until after Corey returned home from his mission that we purchased our first computer and added AOL dial-up.  It wasn’t much longer before the Google search engine was introduced.                I marveled at how quickly Corey could find references without ever having to leave the room.  Before that he had been a whiz at searching the card catalogues and familiarizing himself with the library as though it were his profession.  Google seemed to make life so much easier in some ways.             I had not familiarized myself with the search engines or internet as quickly a...

Define Your Dash #1

                  In September I created this post about "Dashes" and how they're to be defined by each of us as we write our memories that spell out our life.   One of my goals this year was to answer one of the dash questions once a week until I got through all 52 of them.   But there are actually more than 52.   Twelve topics provide twelve questions each here though only 52 are highlighted here .   5 each from 6 topics and 4 each of the remaining 6.               Some I have already answered without the intent of answering - they just all happen to be subjects that I've posted about.   So I will "define my dash" with some dash questions and some others that I picked up from journal jars or Relief Society handouts (assigning random numbers to the ones not suggested on Family Search.   Mix them up a little. ...

So Many Pieces

            Every once in a while I will search for a particular blog post using a single key word or phrase that I think are mentioned in the post.   Yesterday I typed in the word " pieces "   just to see what would come up.   I was surprised that I had used that word in over 50 posts in reference to several topics.   That does not include the 20 plus posts where piece was used singularly.   The top   " pieces "  post  references referred to candy, other foods, luggage, lessons, toys and games.    Other posts included actual breakage or used in a metaphorical way.             I have used the word " pieces "   in about ten or so December entries posted on different years. One post mentions a four-piece measuring cup set that we had purchased as a white elephant gift.    ...

I may come across as a bit long-winded

            The discussion for this week is to: "Think about a time when your mind was successfully changed either by a message delivered in print, on a screen, or in person from someone else. What factors swayed you?"   The first thing that came to mind was accepting gay rights.   As with many others, I grew up believing in the influence of society.   "Homosexuality was wrong and therefore anyone who practiced was wrong" and I think made to feel worthless. It was something I had been taught all of my life.   But through Corey, I've come to realize that to be gay or attracted to the same sex is often NOT a choice.   Really, why would an individual go through all the pain and prerecession in addition to having desires that he/she can't seem to control or explain? Why shouldn't they have the same rights as others who develop feelings for the opposite sex? No person has control over developing a love for anot...

Buying Time With Emotions.

                I have just completed and turned in my assignment for my psychology class.   I should be working on my discussion post for my other class.   I am at such a loss as to come up with a scenario or a situation that makes sense in my mind.   The lecture does not take place until tomorrow.   I HATE when the lecture is on Wednesday.   I would like all my lectures on Monday - but not on the day that the lecture is due.             There are pre-recorded lectures from another instructor.   I don't follow his instructions as well as I do my own.   And though I can tell from her post what it is that is expected for the discussion post, I am still at a loss.   Writing a post for my blog won't help the situation either.   Many emotions have been triggered since I started this psychology class.    ...


          As I have already mentioned, I had started two classes on Labor Day this month.   One in managerial accounting and the other in financing.   My accounting class seems like a refresher course as there is some familiarity within the topics. It also feels like a prequel to my financing class and I wish I had it BEFORE my financing class and not side-by-side as I tend to get the two mixed up and have actually turned in one assignment for one class into the other.           Fortunately I have really good instructors in both classes who have been able to give me feedback right away instead of waiting until the end of the week as was the case with my last instructor who did announce ahead of time that his grading day is Sunday and that is it.           I am having the hardest time with the subject at hand.   Valuation principals...

Thank You for Your Wisdom, Donna Voss

            About half the blogs I read are by friends or relatives that I know.   But once in a while I am drawn to one that either someone else has recommended or one that I have come across myself.   Such is the case with Donna Carol Voss.   She posts to this blog usually once a week on Sunday.             I used to leave comments, but now she has a no reply and I haven’t been able to leave comments – not that my comments are important.   So many of her posts just resonate with me.   I just want to be able to tell her that.   Express to her how much I value her opinion.             I absolutely love the unconditional love that she expresses for each of her children and for those who are not members of the Church and being careful not to use labels and ...

Posts that Inspire

          Recently I was googling Individual Worth in search for a proper definition to use in one of my posts.  As I went searching I pulled up a few blog sites with inspiring stories which I would like to share and reference.           I came across an object lesson given by Stephanie Waite in which she laid out various belongings on a table and asked her class what each object was worth and what made them valuable.  Some of the objects were perhaps expensive things and some objects may have been more valuable to one than to another.  But the particular object that may have seemed worthless to most individuals was probably the most valuable thing on the table in the eyes of its initial owner.           It actually reminded me of an object that is close to Jenna – a stuffed dog she’s had since she was 6 months old – though the...

The Idea Drawer

I may have mentioned before that even though I hadn’t officially started Blogging until the beginning of this year, I had ideas of what I would post – and sometimes I would complete my thoughts and mark it as ready-to-share while others still remain in the undeveloped idea mode. I keep a list on file stored and tucked away until I can find the right words. Sometimes I will be inspired to visit one of my ideas and will add to it or change it around or combine it with another idea that I had.   And some I wonder if I will end up posting at all. Some I’ve actually deleted. Most of the time I have posted, I have used the copy and paste method.   There were two times I posted directly.   From my perspective the direct post always seems to come out in microscopic form .   I prefer the font I have used with Microsoft word which I can read without trying to blow up the font size (as I often do with lengthy emails that I’ve received) I sent one of my ideas ...