That Was Refreshing!
President Nelson
created a video (here) which many have watched and have accepted the challenge.
Facebook was flooded with posts of gratitude.
How wonderful that was to read such positiveness on the home page rather
than backlashing, politics, the virus, etc.
Many of the posts were written by people from my past – some who have
not been on facebook for years, some of which I had no idea I was even friends
with. How great it was to connect with
I had started this month posting the 30
days of gratitude creating some new thankful favorites and perhaps duplicating
what I had posted last year (here) but will not make a comparison until later
“I’m grateful I
take online courses I absolutely hate. . . socializing has become super hard
but I do enjoy being able to manage my homework and classes at my own speed
rather than 8 hours of strai[gh]t 45 minute lectures.
“I’m grateful for social media
specifically tik tok. Say what you want about the gover[n]ment being after us
and that kids spend way too much time making these videos. I’ve made friends on tik tok and it help[ed]
kept me s[ane].
“I’m grateful fo Bonnie. She’s not my dog but I always say that she
is. Bonnie is always wagging her tail
and is such a sweet dog to be around. . . “
She did not add the hash tag #givethanks
as so many others have as we were encouraged to do. I get annoyed with the hashtag. I never understood why it gets used.
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