Driving Conditions
Rumor has it
that the school district in this area has finally wised up to doing online
schooling until the end of the year.
Cars were at the schools today but no buses on the roads. Perhaps the instructors are still teaching
from the school building. Seminary is still being held in person.
It is now too dark for me to leave the
house in order to pick Jenna up on time.
I used to leave the house at 7:00 and take a longer route to the church
but did not have that option this morning.
As there were no buses I thought I could make it in time but as I
rounded the corner and saw a familiar car driving toward me. I stopped and the
other vehicle stopped and Jenna got out and joined me.
Initially the driver didn’t want to make
a stop on the way to the high school to drop Jenna off as he would encounter
school buses. Oh, I totally understand
that, but as there is no school he was willing to drive her and I asked if that
could continue. Still waiting for a
But then again, there is another girl
who has stopped going to seminary as she does not go to public school either and
her mom can no longer drive her. They
live in a different city – same as the
driver who used to pick her up. Perhaps
he could add her back to the route again and we will have to find another way
for Jenna.
It was raining this morning. There is still a foggy mist engulfing the
mountains. Not drivable weather in my opinion
but I have driven in worse –
just not in this state. Skinny windy
roads is a challenge in itself –
I don’t need the
elements to create more challenge for me.
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