
             Election Day was three days ago and we still dont know who the president is for the next four years.  I am hoping NOT Trump and yet at the same time, I know there will be violence from some Trump supporters who dont understand that bullyism and threats do not make any country great.  They are abusing their freedoms and taking away others freedoms. 

There are so many ballots more than any other year.  Perhaps four times as many.  It takes a long time to count especially if there are less volunteers due to COVID.  If Joe Biden wins, I hope he sends in a crew to sterilize the white house and not move in for another month or two after his inauguration that is if Big Baby Trump and his groupies dont make it such an unrealistic ordeal. 

Joe Biden has campaigned for being for the people all people whether he was voted in by that person or not.  Trump will not honor those who didnt vote for him.  He wont have any problem stepping on the ones who did.  Unfortunately, some of those who voted for him still wont know any better. 

The economy is going to be horrible no matter which one gets in.  Trump will have his followers believing everything is great, that we will all be able to return to work and thrive and that COVID will go away.  COVID will not go away.  Other nations are getting second waves of COVID but the Americans will never get a second wave.  You know why?  Because we will never succeed  at getting over the first!

Too many have the attitude of Open right now. We need our jobs We need to spend money . . . not only are we battling COVID but flu season is here.  There are states fighting the elements in addition to the COVID.  Theyre not returning to work.  They have to rebuild their cities.  They have been damaged in several weeks.  Returning to work is not the number one concern right now.  It is rebuilding their homes, their lives, this nation . . .

The country opened too soon.  People got bored.  They somehow forgot.  The media reports cases within various schools now taking precautions by sending the entire class, busload, pod or whatever into quarantine to be monitored for the next two weeks.  Football players and firemen are testing positive.  Really?  Who thought restarting football was a good idea?  Fireman are necessary.  Front line workers: necessary.  Resteraunts a way to make a living for the owners and workers but not necessary for the patrons.  Jenna and I havent had our hair cut since January.  Its not so much that we need it cut as we need it thinned out.  But again, its not an essential.  Its not like a necessity such as treatment or food.

The nation is apprehensive right now.  Our current president is a racist and a liar.  He has threatened to leave the country if he doesnt win.  Good riddens.  I hope he does flee the country!  I hope he takes his family of supporters with him!  Maybe there will be room for them in Greenland.


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