
Showing posts with the label coins

Downtown Ashland: Funky Fresh

             It appears that I did not post last week on the 23 rd.  I did have 8 drafts to post.  I was distracted with other things.  Richard and I had left the house on Saturday morning.    It had been raining off and on.    Mostly on. Jaime had wanted us to take a walk with her downtown Ashland, but it was too wet and cold and Richard wasn ’ t willing to leave the car.          We brought  Jaime home for weekend and I became more interested in meeting her needs than posting to my blog.  She spent the night at a friend's house and we got up early Sunday to retrieve her. Spending time with her and the family was pretty nice.  We played several games while she was here.  It was so great having her here – short as it was.    We were able to park downtown before dropping her off at the dorms on Sunday evening.   Jaime excitedly took us on a tour pointing ou...

What’s Different?

            I was in a 6th-grade math class yesterday.   The instructor had put a similar illustration on the board – only the dimes and nickels were laid out in the same manner.   And three or four of the pennies were shinier than the one that is in the center of the pennies in the above illustration.   The instructor asked which set of coins was different and why?             The first answer was logical for a math class.             “The dimes are different because all of the other coins add up to 25 cents.   F ive nickels make 25 cents.   25 pennies make 25 cents.   A single quarter makes 25 cents.   But five dimes make 50.”             The instructor asked what might be some other possible answers.   I...

Whatever Happened to My Collections?

        At the time  I was enrolled in seminary, there was a program for students who had the desire to participate in afterschool programs of challenging seminary students from other schools in what came to be known as "The Seminary Bowl"         Seminary Bowl included a panel of students trained to answer questions relating to that year's gospel topic.  There was also the "scripture chase" on which team could find a certain scripture the quickest.  Each week (or however often we met) our instructors would give us ribbons featuring our school color.  On the ribbon was marked in letters that started each word of different scriptures;  one made up for a certain scripture that we should have memorized that week         I had saved them all in a scrapbook.  I think it might have been the one that grandpa had given me; one that fell apart, one that I had attempte...