
Showing posts with the label relativism

Third Assignment for Philosophy 310

        I have been an online student for almost two years now.   During that time I have had only four instructors make comments on each page of the assignment.   Most will make a comment by the grade but not explain specific details within the paper.   I still don't know the difference between relativism and contextualism but did get 100% on my assignment.         The online school that I attend requires APA ( American Psychological Association) for written assignments. My blog does not.   Rather than include the list of APA cited references, I will just include the link in my parentheses references should you be interested in more research on the topic. "The moral values, ethical codes, and laws that guide our choices in normal times are, if anything, even more, important to help us navigate the confusing and disorienting time of a disaster" ( Fink, 2018 ).    ...

Philosophy and Religious Values

        I've been quite emotional for the last couple of weeks or so.   Watching " The von Trapp Family: A Life of Music "   and seeing the horrors of bullying by supporters of Hitler. Crying over different stories featured in 60 minutes.   It's almost like five years worth of PMS took over.  What's up with that?             In my philosophy class, I was supposed to take a quiz and post my results about taking the quiz.  I just now finished the assignment of what I learned about contextualism or relativism and explaining the similarities between those and virtue ethics.  Actually, I am only supposed to pick one value and one ethic.  I am really quite confused by moral values - which, by the way, are part of my religious upbringing and NOT philosophy.             So I start off the discussion by sayin...