
Showing posts with the label class names

Agism - Where Do I Start?

Currently, I am taking a class called “Sociology of Aging”.   I know it will be a good class and look forward to these next three and a half weeks.   The course will end before I know it. My instructor is quite animated and reminds me of my late sister-in-law except happier.   I enjoyed listening to the lecture yesterday as the happiness in her voice and arm movement (I have only had one other instructor record herself).   I know her teaching methods aren’t going to appeal to everybody, but I enjoy the bonus of hearing joy. I tried reading the book but was becoming bored with the way it was written and turned to YouTube instead and found some informative videos on the subjects and some that came across even more boring than the reading. I have also volunteered to test market a hotspot device through the school so they can monitor how much time I spend on research and study.   Only they won’t be getting an accurate reading.   My internet, WiFi, ...

Accounting - a Cure for Insomnia

            I started two new classes on Labor Day - well, new to me.   The classes themselves aren't new.   One is in financing and the other is accounting.   Oh, joy.   It hasn't been a full week, and already I've gotten them mixed up.             The instructor who teaches finance is one I've already had before.   My accounting instructor is the most enthusiastic one yet.   She talks quicker than I can take notes.   She doesn't spend much time on the assignment but does seem to cover a lot of ground.   It is still overwhelming.             Now, I'm a visual person, which I think I have mentioned.   I love finding videos on YouTube that will help me understand whatever subject.   CrashCourse was great for economics and history, but it doesn't appear that there ar...

From Primary to MIA

When I was in primary, our classes were made up of those in the same grade at school.   We went to a class from September to September (or whenever the school year started.)   Primary was on Thursdays – just right after school. Each class had it's own name: Sunbeams, Stars, CTR, Targeteers, Merrie Miss and Blazers. We were given paper crowns in Sunbeams and Stars and a CTR ring in CTRs.   We were given a flag in the Targeteer class.       I don’t know if it was every other lesson, or once a month or exactly when the ribbons were passed out.   Each ribbon was a different color as I recall (I don’t know if the color was symbolic) – and I think they came with printed verse or scripture as a reminder of that lesson.   We were supposed to tie each ribbon on the “pole”, I guess just under the flag.   I can’t remember if we “earned” our ribbons or if they just came automatically.   I don’t even know what became of my f...