A True Experience which took place just over 25 years ago
Many of the thoughts I had accumulated were while I was working in Salt Lake City. Shares passed through email as facebook was not a thing. I do remember writing the following. I had even created a picture in "paint" to go with the story. Created on my mom's computer. If I saved it, I no longer seem to have access to it. But here is what I wrote: Date: 2/11/98 3:04pm Subject: Just in case you need a laugh . . . have you ever read the story of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, no good, Very Bad Day? As I was relating my experiences to my co‑workers, I decided that my experiences could be counted as similar ‑ sometimes I even wish I was in Australia (although I forgot to include it with my true life experiences that I am sending) ‑ and so I wrote up this cute little essay. (I am also including a self portrait so that you will know that I am not exaggerating) ...