
Showing posts with the label tired

A True Experience which took place just over 25 years ago

 Many of the thoughts I had accumulated were while I was working in Salt Lake City.  Shares passed through email as facebook was not a thing.  I do remember writing the following.  I had even created a picture in "paint" to go with the story.  Created on my mom's computer.  If I saved it, I no longer seem to have access to it.  But here is what I wrote: Date: 2/11/98 3:04pm Subject:          Just in case you need a laugh . . .   have you ever read the story of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, no good, Very Bad Day?   As I was relating my experiences to my co‑workers, I decided that my experiences could be counted as similar ‑ sometimes I even wish I was in Australia (although I forgot to include it with my true life experiences that I am sending) ‑ and so I wrote up this cute little essay.   (I am also including a self portrait so that you will know that I am not exaggerating) ...

Comatose Weather and Downright Lazy Weekend

            I remember the weather when we first went into lockdown last year.   It was nice.   Jenna and I would walk around the neighborhood (or just our yard – pre the neighbors' arrogant chickens and Bonnies) and take pictures.   This year has been overcast, windy and cold – except when it’s not.   It’s like mother nature has a endless case of PMS and is wreaking havoc with the skies.   Sending awful turbulence and bleakness – at least in my neck of the woods.   Strange, but as I write this, the sun is shining like it has been there all this time.   Never enveloped with clouds or darkness.           I have blamed the weather for my being tired - though I have probably OD’d on sugar since Easter.   It did not help matters when yesterday after feeling bloated, Roland insisted I take some Alka-Seltzer -which would be fine but the only Alka-Seltzer we ...

Holidays and Brain Out

          Valentines Day is a non-Federal holiday full of traditions and legends which may or may not be true.   There were at least two, perhaps three, patron saints who bore the name St. Valentine.   Their lives ended in tragic massacres; perhaps it was the way they lived that got the Valentine’s celebration started.   There are many websites to choose from when “Valentines” is the subject entered into a search engine such as Google.   I have never been much into the Valentine spirit.   The concept behind Valentine’s Day seems noble enough, but the commercialism is what keeps the holiday alive and I could do without that.  No one gets off of work or school in honor of Valentines.             President’s Day was created in honor of George Washington, first president of the United States.  President’s Day was initiall...

Division Street is Closed

My water aerobics classes had started when I was still out of town. I've gone everyday this week except today. Each member of the class including the instructor faced a new challenge yesterday. Division is getting a makeover. I don't know that it had even been worth it.   The air was cold before we got in.   The wind against our wet bodies made it feel even colder. I guess I still had time to go if I had not continued with this post, and if the road is finished, but only if I didn't have to wait for the construction workers to direct me. I was reminded of this commercial When I approached the elderly lady dressed from head to foot in fire engine yellow - almost like the government descending on Elliot's family in the movie E.T. It's a long way around and will be late for certain should I choose to go that way. Probably...