
Showing posts with the label closures

It’s a Nostalgic Thing

            Jaime was making this face over something else but thought it fitting for the Big Lots closures.   It looks like eight remain open (at least for now) and all located in Washington State (or that is what I have led myself to believe)          Jaime and I spent many hours walking to Big Lots and visiting Big Lots in Kearns.   Many times we would drive out of our way to visit the one in Roseburg.   What a sad sight.

Science Fiction Vibes

            Yesterday Richard decided he wanted to drive to Ashland to take some watches to a vendor – though I didn’t think it necessary to make a special trip.   I told him we should pray about the decision to go – afterall the nation is experiencing untamed weather, we are still not receiving local news and perhaps we should remain at home.              I took the closed pumps as a sign.   We had gone to four different gas stations before finding one that still had gas.   They expect they will run out today.   Oh, my word!   I feel like I’m living in a Sci-Fi.   It’s been raining non-stop.   It’s a wonder that we don’t have a lake in our backyard.  On the plus side our grass is very green.

Oh, That's Not Good

       Jenna and I both need our hair thinned.  I called the hair salon just the other day to learn that they are shut right now due to COVID, but do plan to reopen.  Well, great.  Do I even want to go anymore - although the last time we went, it was just the three of us there.     A lot of businesses have closed due to staff members testing positive.  Businesses that are open are short-staffed.  I don't think any of us should be shopping anyway.  Unless it's essential - like toiletries and medicine.     Jenna was supposed to start high school on the 31st this month.  A reminder was sent out last week on the 19th.  Yesterday we found this post:      Oh, please.  Jenna could have finished her schooling last year at ORCA but had wanted the opportunity of socializing with her friends once again.  I wonder how many of them will make it to graduation.  I wonder if there will be a gra...

Remembering a Time . . .

Facebook memories shared a video put out by Vice News on HBO.  I watched  this  as though seeing it for the first time and felt nostalgic at doing so.  I had heard the rumor before joining the library board when it was considered a public library.  Many of the libraries did reopen eventually, but most are no longer considered public but rather “Third Party” libraries as there is no funding to pay a staff or even just one librarian.  Myrtle Creek is a third party library.  I think Riddle has gone public – or perhaps were in the processing.  But COVID could have changed that.  A lot of changes since COVID.  But the closing of the libraries happened three years before.  I miss the public libraries we’d gone to in Salt Lake.  I am grateful for my kindle and having the ability to update with Amazon.