
Showing posts with the label management

Lead By Example – Follow Up to the last post

 I meant to have this posted on Friday but was unable to process all of my thoughts until now:                I think it was in August when Roland applied for the management position at the jewelry store.  They were down to two candidates but had decided to go with the one who was more familiar with the product.  Not a great call in my opinion – but I am just getting the information second hand.  I ’ ve never actually met the woman – but this is an illustration of what makes a leadership vs. management that I had mentioned in this post .         Not her real name, but I shall call her Karen – the name that seemed to get a bad rap during 2020.  She knows product.  Roland knows people.  I do like a salesman that can tell me the pros and cons of certain products – electronics for example.  It is important – but I think knowing people is more important.  Not just cust...

A Fish SO FAR Out of Water . . . and other frustrations

          Thus far I have watched one lecture - a talented individual who has experience in law enforcement and can evidently carry on several conversations at once - as he was able to talk without pausing, read comments and answer them in the chat box while he spoke . . . or perhaps he has someone sitting in his live sessions with him who can /will answer his questions.   But the guy is so monotone.   Oh, my gosh.   He says something that requires a sympathetic voice, but there is absolutely no sympathy in his voice.   On the other hand, he says something riveting and really . . . how do I know he means what he says? I don't think public speaking is his strong talent.   Not if he's suppose to relate sympathy or empathy.   Nope.   Not there.           The management class I'm taking feels like a prerequisite to anyone having any desire for any kind of law.   I understand th...