
Showing posts with the label eevotion

Dash LF#6 Irma & Bob and Mom & Dad

             I loved my brother’s descriptions ( here ) of a couple who had lived in my mom’s ward for most of Corey’s life.   I had known the family who had lived in the house before them.   Lily Black and I were very close friends – until after she moved and we had lost touch.             I don’t know if I was still in high school when Howards moved into the house where Blacks had lived.   I don’t recall how many children they had as Blaine was the only one living at home.   He had an older brother who was serving a mission.   I met him for the first time when I was going to Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho.   He had come to drop something off.   I don’t even remember what.   I recognized him as I thought he looked so much like his dad.           I’m guessing that Bob and Irma were in their sixties when t...