
Showing posts with the label graphic arts

Another Project (NOT a puzzle) LOL

A couple of months after we had moved into our house in Tri City, Jenna and I were walking around Millsite Park when we met a man named Chris.   It was the one and only time our paths had crossed.   I do not know his last name.   He made custom canes.   It was a unique thing personalizing such an ordinary thing.   After our encounter I had collected a bunch and words and pictures that I could have ready should our paths cross again.   They never did.   Thus I made my own walking stick  about a year and a half ago.  (see here )            This year the quarantine has given me an opportunity to make a walking stick for Roland.   I kept his artwork (greeting cards and assignments) in color.   It does not have the results of my own and it isn’t really finished.   I still have several layers of coating to finish it off.         ...