
Showing posts with the label hair dye

Orange and Flaming Red continues

         For those of my readers who are unfamiliar with baptisms for the dead, this site will be helpful information          I was asked to join a group of ward members to go down to Medford Temple with our newest member.   I had gone with the youth a few times but had never physically been in the font since I had lived in Utah.         I had ridden in the car with our former RS president and our newest member.   On our way down the car encountered something – though none of us seemed to know what it was.   It felt like a pothole.   Our driver continued driving hoping to make it to the next exit.   Unfortunately the tire lost all air and he didn ’ t wish to continue driving on the rim.   We were a quarter of a mile from the rest area.         Fortunately the tire was on the passenger ’ s side and he managed to remov...

change in hair and morning sky

         The roots of my hair are white like they were when I was one.   My last dye job was a brown or red.   The white is more noticeable against the dark color.         I am sick of my hair.   Sick of changing the color.   Sick of putting it up.   Sick of the weight of it on my scalp.   I told Roland that I need it cut.   We cannot afford the expense right now.           He tells me to cut my own hair.   What?!?!?   I can't see the back of my head.   How am I supposed to make it even?         I've been cutting his hair for the last six months.   I don't think I've done a good job.   As I look at myself in the mirror, I wonder.   What if I cut my pigtails off?   How would that work?         I take the scissor...