
Showing posts with the label exceptions

Math and English

          I saw this sign in a math class at school yesterday.  It made me laugh.   I have observed many students now and find that people in general are either math people or English people.   There are some who excel in both.   And there are those who don’t get either.           Jenna prefers math.   Although there may be different ways of getting the same answer – the answer is consistent.   It won’t ever change.   There is only correct answer.   No exceptions.   English, on the other hand, is full of exceptions.   It’s a wonder that anyone is able to learn it at all!   I would think learning it as a second language would be even more challenging than it is as a first language – but I can’t say for certain as it is my native language – but still confusing at that.          Math NEVER ends.  S...

Third Assignment for Philosophy 310

        I have been an online student for almost two years now.   During that time I have had only four instructors make comments on each page of the assignment.   Most will make a comment by the grade but not explain specific details within the paper.   I still don't know the difference between relativism and contextualism but did get 100% on my assignment.         The online school that I attend requires APA ( American Psychological Association) for written assignments. My blog does not.   Rather than include the list of APA cited references, I will just include the link in my parentheses references should you be interested in more research on the topic. "The moral values, ethical codes, and laws that guide our choices in normal times are, if anything, even more, important to help us navigate the confusing and disorienting time of a disaster" ( Fink, 2018 ).    ...