
Showing posts with the label guide

Not Bad for Under Two Years

          When I was 7th grade, the mandatory history class focused on American history and Utah history.   We had first did a brief study on Europe and the reasons given for explorers making their way to the American continent.   I don't recall a lot on either Revolutionary or Civil Wars though I'm certain that each was mentioned.   We cruise through Utah history as 95% of the class had been raised in the LDS church and obviously knew more about Utah's history than the text book - which had Joseph Smith martyred by hanging - in Utah.   Joseph Smith was not hung nor did he live long enough to see the Church move toward the Utah territory.             That is just one example that I remember.   The instructor was not LDS, but he could see that the class wasn't going to budge - weather right or wrong. I think we ended up skipping three chapters.   It was t...