
Showing posts with the label movie

Vacation Barbie

               On Tuesday Jaime wanted to go out to Sandy and hang out with my brother Keith and his wife Natalee.   We called first to see if we could come.   We did not know that it would lead to our becoming another’s house guest.   Natalee had already made plans with a former neighbor of ours.   She and Marj (aka Peggy Bird) were going to see “ The Barbie Movie” and had invited us to attend with them.            To be honest, “ The Barbie Movie” was never on my agenda – especially for something to do while in Utah.   I was a bit floored to learn that it was something Marj had wanted to do.   Not only that she had offered to put Jaime and I up during the rest of our stay. Somehow the  wires were crossed and Marj seemed to be under the impression that Jaime and I were sleeping on the floor (which we were not)           As school was ...

Slowly Progressing

 For the first time since they moved in, we sat down last night - all five of us.  We watched "Under the Wraps" which was hilarious.  Ally sat between her parents and watched the entire thing.  No electronics.  It was great. This morning Roland and I took Bonnie for a walk.  They were leaving as we returned home.  Ally seemed happy to see us.  She commented on the shirt I have on.

A Very Short Post

The movie we had seen on Wednesday was The Art of Racing in the Rain .   Good movie.   Lot of symbolism and parallels – and I know I didn’t get it all.   Funny how it had rained that day. It was only drizzling when we had left the house.   But as we neared Roseburg, the rain fell more rapidly. I had left my phone for Jenna and wasn’t able to call my friend who teaches the water fitness class to tell her to come join us if nobody showed.   She said she had one student attend.           Wish we would have had the rain this week.   Yesterday was 104.   That is 34 degrees warmer than it should be.   I preferred last week’s weather to this week’s forecast.   Wicked weather.