
Showing posts with the label appreciation

Coincidence or By Divine Design - Relief Society

            When I'm teaching primary, I'm sitting down.   When I taught RS, I was standing up.   The sisters have decided to put themselves in a circle, which has its benefits.   I thought I might try walking around and pace myself back and forth as I've seen another instructor do - but my voice doesn't seem to carry as loud as hers nor did I have much of a voice on Sunday and so had to stand behind the microphone.             NONE of the shoes that I wear on Sunday are very comfortable and so my feet hurt as I neared the end of my lesson and later on that night I was experiencing back pain.   I blame the shoes.   I think Roland would blame my weight.   Probably a combination of the two.             There are posts on either my own or my brother's blog which provide several reference...

Missing, Understanding and Appreciating Mom Even More

           I miss my mom.   I have missed her since before she passed.              As I start aging, there are more things that I appreciate or understand about mom that I may have taken for granted many times before.   I don’t have the exceptional hearing that my mom did, and my eyesight is no longer what it used to be.   I find that I am often blowing up the screen or font size – especially when I am trying to view two windows at once.   I will still do a spell check but am unsure if a suggested word is the one I really want to use;  I can’t see what is being suggested – not from a comfortable position anyway.           I remember going to the pool with mom – who seemed to have worse eyesidht then than I do now.   She was literally blind without her glasses.   There wold be a clock right above the pool.   She could see the clo...

Recognizing Effort

                My appreciation for art is so-so.   There are certain paintings that appeal to me for various reasons - and perhaps on a subconscious level, it is the lighting and balance and whatever other techniques are used by the artist.   Usually, it is the subject of the painting.   That is what I am focused on, not the colors, tones, hues or layers for example.   All the detail that is put into a professional painting seems overwhelming to me and actually seems to detract from the beauty that I had seen there initially.             In college, I once took an art appreciation class - just to force myself to understand and hopefully appreciate it more.   It backfired. I was so put out by the symbolic gestures and the history, it's a wonder I didn't drop the class.   I would struggle with these foreign concepts and tri...