If You Are in the Service of Your Fellow Beings . . .
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, Jenna received an envelope with some activities. One of the suggestions was to make energy bites – which really didn’t turn out to be as wonderful as had hoped. But I wasn’t watching to see Jenna measure all things. I don’t think there was as much peanut butter and honey as the recipe called for as it was really too dry to mold. We spooned into our mouths like a cereal. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either. It seemed sweet enough. We both got the impression that I enjoyed the taste more than she. Last night I suggested that we add flour to the mixture. I added flour and eggs and should have added some sugar or more honey as well, but did not. The mix came out more like drop biscuits or definite unsweetened cookies. Roland and I did not care for them, but I notice...