
Showing posts with the label camp

It Was a Pride Thing

  I would like to be more humble as I have always had a problem with pride. Whenever I think that I have overcome so much of my pride – wham!   I find myself fighting all over again.  And here are just two examples:   1)    When I was in the young women ’ s presidency the YW president had asked me to write a skit for camp – which I did but it took some time to incorporate my ideas.   When I tried to present my idea the YW pres. said it was no longer needed.   The girls had decided that they wanted to do something else – which really didn ’ t even relate to the topic.  At least at the time I didn ’ t think it did.   I felt a bit put out that I had worked on this skit and they didn ’ t even want to listen to my ideas.   And I knew it was wrong to feel resentment.   After all it is the girls who should be involved and they were.   I should have expressed praise or some kind of encouragement.   I tried to shru...

Dash TV36: Ricks’ Outdoor Family Program

             Our family vacationed every year.   Often we went to either Disneyland or Yellowstone National Park, but there were also times when we did something different.   One of those vacations was sponsored through then Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho.   I don’t remember where exactly the “Outdoor Family Program” – took place.  I'm guessing somewhere in Idaho.             I think Kayla was five at the time.   I don’t remember how many families were involved – though I can remember six.   We were all put in cabins which surrounded the shower area and bathrooms with flushable toilets.   There were portapotties available, but they needed to be moved as they were pretty full to almost overflowing.   It was disgusting.   The cabin we were in was pretty much wall to wall bed.   There were five of them fit together like a U shape (if I remem...

Well That Was an Interesting Drive

          I had gone to the pool on Tuesday and Wednesday.   Wednesday was colder than Tuesday had been – perhaps warmer with air but cooler with water.   I didn’t bother going yesterday and didn’t seem all that motivated.   I figured as the air felt cold (only 52 degrees) that the water would feel warm.   I never did find out.           I did drive to the pool.   My phone went off just before I turned in to park.   I thought perhaps it was the instructor telling me that nobody showed and would ask if I was on my way.   I was all prepared to tell her to get an early start on her trip to Portland.   But the phone number was for the Young Women’s camp leader.   Oh –oh.           She said Jenna had been throwing up and would I like to come and get her or have her weigh it out.   We have both made a commitment to help wi...

Two Saturdays

       Today was the forth annual Citywide yard sale.  It is my first year having knowledge of it.  There is a map on facebook and a list of locations within Myrtle Creek and Tri City.  I would think it would make for a more meaningful to have all the streets downtown  or all along Old Pacific - not get-in-your-car-and-drive=-from-location-to-location - that can be done on any given day . . . but whatever.  I was/am obviously not in charge.        The Friends of Myrtle Creek Library had access to one of the buildings downtown.  The yard sale (from what I understand) is normally held in August.  I don't know why it got changed to today.  It was rather unproductive, I thought.  I don't guess the woman in charge realized that today would be the hottest day of the year (and hopefully the temperature won't ever rise above what it was today.  Over 100 degrees fahrenheit.  That is SOOOOO wrong. This...