
Showing posts with the label Good Samaritan

Feb 20 Diversity Talk part 2

This next part of my talk may sound familiar to those who have read past posts here and here We are all made of many puzzle pieces, some more complex than others. Some might view others ’ puzzles as near completion, but we don ’ t really know.  Only God sees the entire picture. He knows what the puzzle pieces are and where they fit. Sometimes He will send people into our lives to help us find our puzzle pieces. Many of us realize that our own puzzle may not be complete for ourselves, so why would we think it is for another? If I don ’ t know about all the pieces that are missing from my own life or what pieces will make me whole or tie me to somebody else,  what makes me think I can view another ’ s completed picture?  I can ’ t. None of us can.  Only God can see the complete picture.  He knows how we fit. Each of us comes from different backgrounds.   There are some people who have adapted diverse cultures or traditions that...