
Showing posts with the label rules

More Tears, More Reasons

                This morning Ally decided that she would sit in Grandpa ’ s chair – even though theoretically it is the best choice for him as it is close to the stove.  He should have not given into her – but wanted to make peace apparently.  He had already confided in me that he thought she was spoiled.  I don ’ t know how much of that is giving in to her and how much is giving in to the Kabuki syndrome or whatever other illnesses arise.           He asked her how many eggs she wanted.   She claimed two which he said he would do just one at a time for her.   But he gave her both – none of which she ate.   She did try her sausage but said it was spicy – which I agree.   I am not fond of that sausage.   Clair usually sits next to her to monitor her feeding but as Ally was sitting in Grandp a ’s chair and Grandpa was sitting in Clair ’ s, Ally and Clair were not s...

100 plus days

                I believe it was Thursday when the kindergarten celebrated the 100 th day of school.   They had used 100 beans to fill in the number 100 on a paper and glued their beans in place.   I wasn’t there for that part.   I saw their papers set aside to dry.             It had rained on Sunday.   I’m assuming that the rain chased the fog away as there was none impairing my vision during yesterday’s drive.   It was cold and the sun remained hidden and so was not blinded as I approached any off the exits.               First class: 7 th grade math.   17 students who for the most part are respectful to the instructor and pay attention to what she is doing on the board – except for two who constantly visit.   I can’t stand between them as there are...

Math and English

          I saw this sign in a math class at school yesterday.  It made me laugh.   I have observed many students now and find that people in general are either math people or English people.   There are some who excel in both.   And there are those who don’t get either.           Jenna prefers math.   Although there may be different ways of getting the same answer – the answer is consistent.   It won’t ever change.   There is only correct answer.   No exceptions.   English, on the other hand, is full of exceptions.   It’s a wonder that anyone is able to learn it at all!   I would think learning it as a second language would be even more challenging than it is as a first language – but I can’t say for certain as it is my native language – but still confusing at that.          Math NEVER ends.  S...

150 Words More To Go

The topic for this mod's final assessment is to write 1000 to 1250 words on the topic: major disclosure and conceptual objectives of  consolidated  financial statements.  How in the world does is an instructor able to get through 15 - 30 assessments.   The topic alone - let alone an entire paper - is enough to put me to sleep.   I know that there are instructors who might not even read the paper, just scan through it, make certain that everything meets APA standards - does not seem to matter what the contents are.   I hate that!   What difference does my APA paper make if I don't understand the material I'm supposed to write about?! My current instructor doesn't seem like a stickler about keeping the paper in third person and boring.   Thus I am keeping it in first person - unless he says otherwise.   The lecture is at 10:30.   Hopefully there will be enough insight that I will be abl...