
Showing posts with the label expressions

More Triggered Memories

                I have used the above picture in an earlier post.   My first post in February 2012 – the year I started my blog.   The post itself had nothing to do with the picture.   Let me relate what really happened and why Jenna is making this face.             As I mentioned in a more recent post we used to walk everywhere – though Kearns offered more destinations than anything in West Valley or Myrtle Creek.  We did not walk to the library often as we had to cross a busy street, but Jenna had not taken a nap and would be in need of one and usually the walk to the library and back wore her out.              I would always hold Jenna’s hand when we were out on walks – especially when crossing streets – especially the busy one. She insisted on crossing 5400 on her own.  No way!  What kind of a m...