
Showing posts with the label cell phone

No Apps, Thank You

                 When I had my brick phone my son Tony added an app that he thought would be beneficial.  I started getting all kinds of text messages about things that I really didn’t care about and asked Jaime if she could remove it.  Eventually all the unwanted messages stopped also.  I don’t want apps on my phone!  I want my phone to be a phone.  Yes, being able to receive text messages and taking pictures are nice bonuses but really not necessary.  I don’t need the website.  I don’t need apps to clog up my system.             Richard and I had gone to Staples.   An overly enthusiastic employee attempted to give me tips on how to save money if I install their app onto my phone.   I whipped out my flip phone and showed it to him.   When Richard joined us I excused myself to use the restroom.   Apparently he talked Richard into putting the app on his p...

Handbag With Matching Wallet

           This Calvin Klein bag was given to me as a birthday gift.  The giver was quite excited about it and I have made an effort to use it – especially when I go somewhere I expect to see her.  It's not really my style but I do get a lot of comments on it.  Women seem especially impressed by the matching wallet – which is solely a coincidence as it was purchased about two years ago.         You may remember this post in which I complain about the size and weight of the phone.  The wallet was purchased as a cell phone holder.  I do use it as a wallet – but that really was not its primary purpose.  This bag came with a cell phone holder.  Please.  For certain phones!  Would have worked well for my flip phone, but not the brick I am using currently.  The built in “ cell phone pouch ” currently holds gum.           Not the best pictures, but you get the...

Unbelievable – Let’s Talk Numbers

            Would you believe that I finally joined the world of touch screen phone?   I changed my plan – or rather my carrier who does not support flip phones.   I went with them on a whim.   It will save us almost 10 dollars a month – which isn’t huge.   But if I can save 5 dollars here and 10 dollars there, it adds up.   Before you know I have save us 45 dollars not to mention the subscriptions to various things which adds up as well and before you know it I have removed over 100 dollars of unnecessary luxury spending.              So I now have a touch screen but have learned that the automatic machines at the other end of the line don’t recognize my pushing numbers.   Oh, that is so not cool.   I am already annoyed with automatic machines as it is.   So impersonal.   How many jobs have been replaced by machines?   A company does not have to pay w...

Don't Ever Buy a Doro 7050

            Who can keep up with modern technology?   You purchase any electronic item at the store and it is outdated before you even get it home – possibly before it even hits the showroom floor.   What’s up with that?                  Once upon a time things were built to last.   Television repariman took pride in their work.      Vintage Magazine Book Be Your Own TELEVISION REPAIRMAN 1953 Greenberg Publisher HD replaced anything from the 2oth century and Smart TV has outdated screens after that.   Less than 6 years ago Roland purchased a BlueRay DVD player with feature to add Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.   What a relic!   It no longer supports Hulu so if we should want to order Hulu for the TV, we have to purchase newer items which will become relics in less than four years and have to be replaced again!         ...


What is up with Roland picking the absolute hottest part of the day to do the yard?   Would you believe we actually had the heat on this morning and now I am attempting to cool off as I sit beside the A/C?   What fickle weather we have. Speaking of weather – I will be using the bizarre weather to promote my pretend business that I’m now in the process of creating for my assignment for the next four weeks.   If imagination counts, I should do well in the class.   So I was actually on the tail end of this week’s assignment   (which may vary from week to week – I don’t know) when I received a text from my sister indicating that my facebook had been hacked.   Oh, great.   I signed onto facebook and discovered three more p.m. to inform I’ve been hacked.   Now four, five . . . I also was expecting a call and had to prepare for that – plus Roland needs me to take pictures of him on a weekly basis so that he can send them in to his health ad...

Final Assignment

                        As I have mentioned in my online-themed posts, there is a daily checkpoint question given each day.   For the most part the questions will be on the class subject of that particular week. The basic classes (the ones given to brand new students) will often throw in questions about finances and career choices. The economy class I had recently taken was/is a basic class.             I had originally decided to approach my assignment from a different angle as I had asked my instructor about non-profit organizations during one of the lectures.   I had wondered it any would be considered oligopolies and so had pulled up references for that.   I had actually tried three or four approaches before I had about 20-30 references.   I knew I would not end up using them all and actually ended up go...

Lost In a Cloud

            As with everything, there are always pros and cons to having a cell phone, internet service, cloud storage, etc.   I must be old fashioned in my way of thinking.   I would like my phone to act as a phone and my watch to tell time . . . although the watch has nearly become a thing of the past for me as I refer to my cell phone for the time and since I don't wear my cell phone around my wrist, it hasn't bothered me the way a watch often does.   It's a nice feature - though not necessary.   It is convenient.               My first cell phone was through Voice Stream.   My mom and I had both purchased a phone plan that came with this Nokita - a phone my mom refused to give up until after she got dementia.             I had mine for over ten years and may have had it l...

The Complicated History of my Cell Phone Usage

  I don’t recall how long it’s been since I first looked into purchasing my first cell phone.   I believe that Corey was on his mission and that I was experiencing problems with my car.   I remember walking to a nearby strip mall after my car broke down.   Outside one of the stores stood two men with a table displaying information about cell phone plans with Voice Stream (which I had mentioned in this post ). I had asked one of the men if I could use his cell phone to call my mom – and that’s where she found me – being sucked into the world of cell phones.   I don’t know if I had already signed my contract before my mom showed or if I was about to.   But mom ended up showing interest in the convenience as well, and we ended up getting two phones on the same plan. I don’t recall how long we had our plan before the bills stopped coming from Voice Stream.   Funny how I hadn’t noticed – though I did notice a tremendous amount of garb...

Bussing it to St. Mark's

When Jenna goes to school, I have taken the bus with her.   I normally have my backpack which contains my water bottle and a book.   Or at least I try to have a book – so I can read during the ride when Jenna isn’t with me. Jenna and I have ridden the bus all summer.   We’ve gone in a variety of directions.   But we have always started out on the same bus that we have taken when she’s been in school.   Instead of continuing to our normal bus stop near her school, we have been getting off at the college and making a transfer connection to a different bus. Just north of the college is a foot bridge that leads to the junior high across the street.   Jenna has always wanted to cross it.   I figured she’ll have the opportunity to cross it in two years – almost daily for the three years that she attends the junior high. My initial plan was to cross it with her, as I’d need to take a return bus home.   But this morning I learned that is ...