
Showing posts with the label scavenger hunt

Every Day is Saturday: Days Two and Three

               Cow Creek was given a huge amount of vaccines for their tribes and those working at Seven Feathers.   By the first week of March it was announced that any friends or family of those employed at Seven Feathers.   The announcement said that candidates had to be at least 65 years of age.   But when we called to get Roland set up, it was learned that I could be vaccinated also. Roland and I received our first shot on March 16.   We were given cards which provided a date indicating when we would be available for our second shot on April 13.   We hadn’t heard from the clinic and so went down to see if we could get in.   That’s when we learned that April 13 was not the accurate next shot date but the date of eligibility.   We still had to set up an appointment. The soonest we could get in was yesterday. Now just to backtrack a bit.   If you are a faithful reader you will remember we spent Roland’...