
Showing posts with the label sex

It Is All About Happiness - but we all have different concepts of Happiness

            On Sunday I was told to go into the room where the young women meet as the stake presidency wanted at least one parent for every youth to sit in.   The subject was a sensitive subject but seemed to be approached from a different angle but still with a hint of snobbery. One of the stake president's counselors was showing a slide show and had used this as an example of "Satan trying to divert your attention away from him"  referring to the "fox" as Satan. Okay, Satan can be clever, but others can be clever without deception.   Some people are better at "fitting in" than others.   But at whose expense do we fit in?             The teens were asked if they know of others who are living together without being married.   My reaction:   "My son Biff and his girlfriend Claire."   The idea of living together was compared to...