
Showing posts with the label leash

Walking Bonnie on a Scavenger Hunt

  Jenna asked me if I would go on a walk with her and Bonnie.   She asked if I could look up a scavenger hunt list that we could do at the park.   I pulled up a list and sent it to her phone.   The rules were that we could not take something that we brought ourselves and no repeats.   At least one of us had to be in the picture with said item (as we would not be bringing any of it home) My rule was that we did not have to capture things in order – otherwise we would still be at the park with an empty list. Twenty items were on the list. The list goes as follows: Something covered in feathers Something inflated by air Something made of wood Something purple Something rectangle Something round Something shorter than you Something square Something striped Something taller than you Something that flies Something that displays a rule(s) Something that smells pretty Something with wheels Something yellow Something you can sit in So...