
Showing posts with the label autumn

Still in Awe

                                                            There have been                                          some really bitter cold days and                                          many that have felt like fall still.    Most trees are bare,  but I am floored by  the leaves that are still clinging on.   We’ve had some  really strong winds.   ...

Saying Hello and Good-bye to Autumn

Whereas autumn seemed to linger for several months last year, I believe that the cycle will be over all too quickly this year. I had heard the mountain trees had started turning in August.   But as for my view of Salt Lake City valley, the trees (or the majority of them anyway) did not start turning until last week.             There are still many green trees that haven’t handled the chill in the same way as those that are already starting to lose leaves.   What?   The ones that started turning last Monday are now shedding their leaves for the winter?                Toward the end of the week, I did notice more that were turning.   This morning I saw radiant beauty of yellow and orange golds, one tree that was undressing and still a wide variety of green.   I’d like to see them radiate color before the winter bring...

Not in January

  The other day I took off my hat and gloves shortly after I boarded the bus.   I put them back on just before I exited the bus.   At least I thought I did. I made my way from the bus stop to Jenna’s classroom.   While I waited I once again removed my hat and gloves – oops - glove.  How is it I had only one glove on.   Why hadn’t my hand mentioned to me that it wasn’t covered?   I looked around the area where I was standing.   I must have lost it somewhere along the way.   Weird. So yesterday I kicked the snow in a few areas where I could see color.   No pink glove but a lot of fall autumn leaves.                            Most of the trees stand naked outlined in the snow.   But there are actually a few wi...

Change for November

Tomorrow is December 1st.  I am truly amazed at what an awesome November we've had.  Awesome in Salt Lake City, Utah, that is.  I understand they've had their fair share of snow in the southern part of the state - or windy or stormy weather.  But in my little corner of the world it's been a great November as far as the weather goes. Oh, there have been a couple of days that have chilled to the bone.  Just a couple is odd for November.  Usually seems filled with darkened skies and dry moisture - I realize that is an oxymoron on my part.  But the winters in Utah are harsh with a dry air quality - much drier than in the summer - and yet November is usually always filled with rain or snow or sleet or hail.  I don't understand why when the elements are wet the air is dry - but it is.  My skin and my mouth are always thirsty. Most all of the trees have lost their leaves by now.  There are still leaves crunching on the ground.  Only a ...

Fall: Beginning of the end

I saw the leaves scurry quickly across the street when pushed by the angry wind which has been howling the last few days.  It appears that autumn is nearing its end this year. But we have been blessed with warmth and colors and really awesome weather for the most part.   Some trees remain in their brilliant state of gorgeous color while others have been stripped naked - skeletons ready for the harshness of winter.   I hope it's not a harsh winter like last year.  It was cold. Always so cold. Miserably cold.   And summer was unbearably hot. But autumn was awesome. autumn is awesome. Let us keep that awesome feel.   Mother Nature please don't strip the trees. Let them radiate throughout the year - without the wind, without the snow, without the heat, without the cold.

Well, it was Awesome While it Lasted

    Another post in            poetry form. The first day of November seemed  typical of November. The wind blew the way it always has when it’s bringing in snow. But it didn’t bring snow. The next six days which followed were gorgeous - fall weather, motor cycle weather, jogging weather, strolling weather. Making people happy.  It was great! Now the wind is back and louder than before. The weather man says it will be bringing in snow this time. Can’t complain.  It’s been an Indian Summer.  Gorgeous.  Cold in the morning.  Sun beating from the afternoon sky. It snowed one day in October.  It didn’t stick though.  It was wet and cold. But for the most part the weather was awesome! Awesome in September,  awesome in October, the first week of November. Wish it could have  lasted Forever.  That ...

Our First Morning Walk in the Crisp Air

          Other than the political campaigns that take place every year, Fall is, without a doubt, my most favorite season.  I haven’t walked Highness in the morning for over four months now.            Unless I’m willing to get up between four and five a.m. it has just been too hot to walk him.  Okay, it wasn’t too hot to take him at 6:00 last month – and I was up.  But I was up with Roland and getting ready to wake Jenna.  Highness was just not a high priority for me.           I don’t enjoy walking him in my own neighborhood all that much.  For one thing, there just isn’t much in the way of sidewalks – and I’m just not that comfortable walking in the street.  Plus my neighborhood is actually kind of boring.  There’re a few friendly people, but for the most part it doesn’t seem like a very warm enviro...