Fall: Beginning of the end

I saw the leaves scurry quickly
across the street when pushed
by the angry wind which has
been howling the last few days. 

It appears that autumn is
nearing its end this year.
But we have been blessed with
warmth and colors and
really awesome weather for the most part.


Some trees remain in their
brilliant state of gorgeous color
while others have been stripped naked -
skeletons ready for
the harshness of winter.


I hope it's not a harsh winter like
last year.  It was cold.
Always so cold.
Miserably cold.


And summer was unbearably hot.
But autumn was awesome.
autumn is awesome.
Let us keep that awesome feel.


Mother Nature please
don't strip the trees.
Let them radiate
throughout the year -
without the wind,
without the snow,
without the heat,
without the cold.


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